Cuttyhunk and the Vineyard Sound
Community Ethos
Dan’s community focus is on the environment, sustainability, and preservation, along with a deep rooted commitment to education as a primary change agent for people’s lives. Dan's loved and lived near the water his entire life. He has lived on the Buzzards Bay in Southeastern Massachusetts with his family since 1996, and also lives on a canal in the center of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He's been sailing since he was 12, growing up on Narragansett Bay, where he also worked on a Bay lobster boat, and dug quahogs from a work skiff to put himself through college. Dan and his family love sailing, and have cruised extensively around the world. The combination of nature, engineering, design, and aesthetics is a joy Dan experiences when being on the water sailing. Community support includes:
Buzzards Bay Coalition
Hasbro Children’s Hospital Fund
Todd's Hometown Ride Fundraiser
Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust
Penikese Island School
Digital Museum Project
New Bedford Whaling Museum